Setting the path for java for mac

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Running SonarScanner from the Docker image

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If you need more debug information, you can add one of the following to your command line: -X, -verbose, or -Dsonar.verbose=true. You should get output like this: usage: sonar-scanner

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Verify your installation by opening a new shell and executing the command sonar-scanner -h ( sonar-scanner.bat -h on Windows). Add the $install_directory/bin directory to your path.Update the global settings to point to your SonarQube server by editing $install_directory/conf/ #- Default SonarQube server We'll refer to it as $install_directory in the next steps. Expand the downloaded file into the directory of your choice.To run SonarScanner from the zip file, follow these steps: # Path is relative to the file. Configuring your projectĬreate a configuration file in your project's root directory called # must be unique in a given SonarQube instance The SonarScanner is the scanner to use when there is no specific scanner for your build system.